In the past few weeks, a fairly well respected blogger (LeGothique) was revealed to be at the minimum a deceitful scam artist - who (allegedly) scammed quite a few people out of what appears to be a lot of money. I don't intend to rehash that which has already been posted. You can read more about the situation here and here.
Right around Christmas, "Grey" as she was known, disappeared. Took down her blog and cut off pretty much all avenues of contact, with money in hand. I lost no money. I didn't buy any products from her blog sales, nor did I get a chance to get an Awesome Box. A bit of digging by some folks uncovered a past wrought with deception - a proficient crafter for money - this was not the first time that she had cultivated a well known and generally well liked personality that turned out to be a ruse.
I realize that it's rather pointless to mention that I didn't really care for her. I thought she was pompous and arrogant. You can't control other people, just how you respond. Call it that sixth sense, I guess.
It seems that when we find out that we have been hoodwinked - and the perpetrator's facade starts to unravel, the first thing that we think is that this person must be mentally ill. It's a reasonable assumption, and in some cases that is indeed the case. There is a theory or school of thought that incorporates what are known as "Criminal Thinking Errors" to help explain the inexplicable.
I was first introduced to this concept by my sister-in-law. She holds a Ph.D in Education - an expert in severe behavioral disorders of adolescents. I could never understand how a person could perpetrate a crime and not appear to have any remorse or ability to self correct. The concept of CTE is rather interesting and seems to have quite a bit of evidence based research.
1. Closed Channel Thinking
--Not Receptive
--Not Self Critical
--No Disclosure
a) Good at pointing out, giving feedback on faults of others
b) Lies by omission
2. Victimstance
a) Views self as victim (the criminal will even blame social conditions)
b) Blames others
3. Views Self As A Good Person
a) Focuses only on his/her positive attributes
b) Fails to acknowledge his/her destructive behavior
c) Builds self up at others expense
4. Lack Of Effort
a) Unwilling to do anything he/she finds boring or disagreeable
b) "I can't" meaning "I won't"
5. Lack Of Interest In Responsible Performance
a) Responsible living viewed as unexciting and unsatisfying
b) No sense of obligation
c) Will respond only if he/she nets an immediate payoff
6. Lack Of Time Perspective
a) Does not use past as a learning tool
b) Expects others to act immediately on his/her/demands
c) Decisions on assumptions, not facts
7. Fear Of Fear
a) Irrational fears (many) but refuses to admit them
b) Fundamental fear of injury or death
c) Profound fear of put down
d) When held accountable experiences "zero state" - feels worthless
8. Power Thrust
a) Compelling need to be in control of every situation
b) Uses manipulation and deceit
c) Refuses to be dependant unless he/she can take advantage of the situation
9. Uniqueness
a) Different and better than others
b) Expects of others that which he/she fails to meet
c) Super-Optimisim - cuts fear of failure
d)Quits at the first sign of failure
10. Ownership Attitude
a) Perceives all things, people, objects to possess
b) No concept of ownership, rights of others
c) Sex for power and control - not intimacy
*Source:Criminal Thinking Errors
Further reading:
Criminal Thinking Tactics
Thinking Errors Defined
Is this new for you? What do you think about the concepts?
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Off Topic: Criminal Thinking Errors
6:21 PM
Criminal Thinking Errors, Georgiana Gray, Gigi Silva, Gina Silva, Grey, Indie Style Awesome Box, LeGothique, Momma Monkey, SewEclectic, Socalvegan
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